
White Mountain Frosting---The Recipe

White Mountain Frosting is really just an Italian Meringue. The technique is fairly straight forward, beat egg whites until stiff with cream of tartar. Adding a hot sugar syrup to the mixture, which cooks the whites, resulting in a lovely stable marshmallow cream frosting. Here you go Lisa and Mariam...the recipe!
If you per chance have left over frosting...you can pipe (or drop by the spoonful) onto a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silpat, bake at 225 degrees for 2 hours, then let cool in the oven for another 3 hours--Presto Magico...Meringue Cookies!

White Mountain Frosting (adapted from Cooking Light)

4 large egg whites

1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Dash of salt

1 cup sugar

1/4 cup water

1 tsp vanilla extract
(other extracts such as lemon or coconut can also be used, decrease vanilla to 1/2 tsp and use 1/2 tsp of your desire extract)

Place egg whites, cream of tartar and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer or other large mixing bowl--taking care NOT to use plastic. Beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Cook, without stirring, until a candy thermometer registers 250 degrees. Pour hot syrup in a thin stream over egg whites, beating at high speed. Stir in extract.


The Cutting Edge of Ordinary said...

I'm making a Double Chocolate Cake for my Nana's 85th birthday, do you think this would be good in between the layers or do you think it's too meringy (is that a word?? LOL.) I was thinking of using the white creamy frosting that I use in my devil dog cake.

Wendy said...

It was actually meant for frosting a double layer coconut cake in the original recipe. It works very well and holds up for a few days without getting wierd. If you are going to have more than 2 layers---I would put dowels or straws to secure it.


Wendy said...

weird is spelled wrong---what a dork!!

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